Recently, in Wuhan - China, PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (PVCFC, Hose: DCM) officially entered into a formal cooperation agreement with China Wuhuan Engineering Co., Ltd., paving the way for potential development and mutual growth.

PVCFC'S BOD with Wuhuan took a commemorative photo.

The signing ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Bui Minh Tien, Member of the Board of Members of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group. Representing PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (PVCFC, Hose: DCM) were distinguished figures, including Mr. Tran Ngoc Nguyen, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Van Tien Thanh, Member of the Board of Directors and General Director; Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Deputy General Director of the Company; along with leaders from various units within Ca Mau Fertilizer.

General Director Mr. Van Tien Thanh Thanh presented a commemorative gift to General Director of Wuhuan 

Ca Mau Fertilizer is on an upward trajectory, overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities with a holistic approach encompassing management, strategy, production, business, investment, corporate culture, and human resources. Committed to its mission of providing innovative nutritional solutions for plants, fostering sustainable agricultural practices, Ca Mau Fertilizer is diversifying its product portfolio with an emphasis on technologically advanced fertilizer lines that benefit both consumers and Vietnam’s agricultural sector. To pursuit these goals, PVCFC has intensified its focus on research and development (R&D), expanded production capabilities, and embarked on new ventures in collaboration with esteemed domestic and international partners.

Wuhuan has been a trusted partner of PVCFC. It is one of the top petrochemical engineering companies in China, with extensive expertise in engineering design and EPC, a plethora of experiences in multiple projects, particularly in the petrochemical industry, such as nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, storage and transportation of LNG and innovation of new materials.

The Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant project, previously established with an annual production capacity of 800,000 tons of urea products, utilizes gas from the PM3-CCA mine as its primary input material. The project represents a significant investment, amounting to approximately 700 million USD. Wuhuan played a pivotal role as the general contractor, responsible for the comprehensive scope of design, procurement, and construction.

After thorough contemplation, recognized the mutual benefits of a formal collaboration, PVCFC and Wuhuan have officially partnered with each other. In a ceremony attended by esteemed delegates, Mr. Van Tien Thanh, General Director of PVCFC, and Mr. Trieu Dao, General Director of Wuhuan, signed a framework agreement that sets the stage for future cooperation between the two companies.

Both parties have officially embarked on a collaborative journey, focusing on three key areas: Market research for product development; R&D for Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant’s capacity expansion; Partnership arrangement wherein PVCFC will provide expert maintenance and operational services for new projects undertaken by Wuhuan.

"Fostering Greater Sustainability for Lasting Prosperity” stands as the guiding principle for Ca Mau Fertilizer in 2024 and beyond. With its mission to foster sustainable green agriculture, PVCFC has set out 3 core strategies for the year 2024: Sustainable investment and development, and digital transformation. By recognizing challenges and seizing opportunities, the company is dedicated to balancing the interests of both investors and customers.

Over its 13-year trajectory of growth and innovation, Ca Mau Fertilizer has steadfastly upheld its mission as the ‘Nurturer’ of Vietnamese agriculture, making significant strides on the international stage. Anchored by a solid foundation of core products, the Company is confident that with resolute mindset and strong corporate character, the Board of Directors and its employees will continue to make the Vietnamese agriculture shine even more brightly in the years to come.