1. Promotion Program Name: "Golden Crops of Big Prize 2024".
2. Promotional Goods and Services: NPK Ca Mau fertilizer products.
4. Promotion Area: Nationwide.
5. Promotion Method: Lucky draw to determine prize winners.
6. Program Participants (targets): All customers purchasing products within the scope of the promotion.
7. Prize Structure:
Prize Structure
First prize
Standard-version Honda Blade 2023
Second prize
01 mace of DOJI gold (9999 gold ring)
Lucky prize 1
Phone credit recharge values at 50,000 VND/time
Lucky prize 2
Phone credit recharge values at 20,000 VND/time
- All prizes are non-exchangeable for cash.
- Phone credit recharge valued at 20,000 VND and 50,000 VND is applicable for 6 mobile network providers including: Viettel, Mobifone, Vinaphone, Vietnam Mobile, Gtel, Itel (Collectively referred to as Phone credit recharge cards or phone cards).

8. Detailed terms and conditions of the Promotion Program:
8.1 Conditions, procedures, specific procedures customers must follow to participate in the Promotion Program:
- Participation conditions: After purchasing products included in the promotional category, customers must locate the Prize code label (consisting of 01 QR code and 01 Prize code) attached inside the packaging of the promotional products (hereinafter referred to as the Prize Code).
- In case customers cannot find a Prize Code attached inside the packaging of a promotional products, it means they will not receive the Prize Code to participate in the lucky draw program.
- In case customers find the Prize Code attached inside the packaging of the promotional products, they can participate in the lucky draw program according to the regulations of these terms and conditions.
- Customers submit the Prize Code according to the regulations from 00:00 on March 10th, 2024, to 23:59 on February 28th, 2025.
- A customer can receive multiple Prize Codes.
- The structure of the Prize Code Label includes:
+ 01 QR code
+01 Prize code with 10 characters.

Scan to participate
Or send an SMS with the following code
- Participation method: customers can register for the program through the following methods:
8.2 Time and method of issuing prize-winning proofs:
- The prize-winning proofs of the program is the Prize Code affixed inside the promotional product package.
- The program starts receiving customers' Prize Codes via SMS and entering information on the Website from 00:00 on March 10th, 2024, to 23:59 on February 28th, 2025.
- Step 1:
Method 1: Scan the QR code or access the website: https://khuyenmai.pvcfc.com.vn and fill in all required information of the program including:
- Prize Code
- Full name.
- Phone number.
- Commune/District/Province
- Store where the purchase was made
- Security code (captcha code) displayed on the information entry screen.
- Then click the "SEND PRIZE CODE" button to participate in the program. This participation method is completely free.
Method 2: Send the Prize Code (10-character SMS code printed on the Prize Code sticker affixed inside the product package) following the syntax: PBCM <space> <Prize Code> send to 6089
- Customers send an SMS with the Prize Code from their mobile phones following the syntax: PBCM <Space> <Prize Code> send to 6089. For example: If the Prize Code is 09F89S8244, then the customer participates by sending an SMS with the syntax: PBCM 09F89S8244 send to 6089 (the SMS charge is 1,000 VND/message).
- Step 2:
Within 12 hours from the successful SMS sent by the customer or entering the Prize Code on the Website as instructed in Step 1, the Software System without human intervention (hereinafter referred to as the "Software System") will automatically send the customer a notification as follows:
- Customers will receive notifications from the Website or SMS with the following content:
- In the case of winning Lucky Prize 1:
“You've won a 50,000 VND phone card, which will be directly recharged to this phone number. Please keep the Prize Code "xxxxxxxxx" to have an opportunity to win a Honda Blade Motorcycle and a 01-mace gold ring”.
- In the case of winning Lucky Prize 2:
“You've won a 20,000 VND phone card, which will be directly recharged to this phone number. Please keep the Prize Code "xxxxxxxxx" to have an opportunity to win a Honda Blade Motorcycle and a 01-mace gold ring”.
- In the case of not winning Lucky Prize 1:
“Thank you for participating in the program. Please keep the Prize Code "xxxxxxxxx" to have an opportunity to win a HONDA BLADE Motorcycle and a 01-mace gold ring.
- In the case of not winning Lucky Prize 2:
“Thank you for participating in the program. Please keep the Prize Code "xxxxxxxxx" to have an opportunity to win a HONDA BLADE Motorcycle and a 01-mace gold ring”.
- “If a customer submits the Prize Code after the promotion period (after 23:59 on February 28th, 2025), they will receive a notification from the Website or SMS from the number 6089 or PB CAMAU from the number 6089 with the following content: "Registration failed, the program ended on February 28th, 2025, for details contact 1800888606 (free).”
- “If a customer submits an incorrect Prize Code, they will receive a notification from the website or SMS from the number 6089 or PB CAMAU with the following content: "Incorrect Prize Code. Please check the message content again. Example: PBCM 1123456789 send to 6089".
- “If a customer submits the same Prize Code multiple times, they will receive a notification from the website or SMS from the number 6089 or PB CAMAU with the following content from the second attempt onwards: "You have unsuccessfully registered this Prize Code! This Prize Code was registered on dd/mm/yyyy. Please check again."
- A customer can participate multiple times with multiple unique Prize Codes.
- The deadline for customers to submit Prize Codes by scanning the QR code or sending an SMS to the hotline 6089 to participate in the program is 23:59 on February 28th, 2025.
8.3 Regulations on prize-winning proof:
- The total number of Prize Codes expected to be issued is approximately 3,186,000 Prize Codes.
- Each promotional product package contains 01 Prize Code. The Prize Code consists of 10 randomly generated characters including letters and numbers, affixed inside the promotional product package.
- The prize-winning proof is the Prize Code sent from Ca Mau Fertilizer via the number 6089 or PB CAMAU to the phone number that the customer registered to participate in the program, as recorded by the company through its system.
- The Prize Code must be registered by the customer during the promotional period. All Prize Codes sent by customers using the methods mentioned above will be stored by the Software System of the program as a basis for determining the prize-winning results of the program according to these regulations.
8.4 Time, Location, and Method of Determining Prize Winners:
Petrovietnam CaMau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will conduct a lucky draw to determine prize winners using the program's Software System, as follows:
a, For Lucky Prize 1 and Lucky Prize 2
Customers can submit their Prize Codes via SMS and enter information on the Website from 00:00 on March 10th, 2024, to 23:59 on February 28th, 2025.
- The program determines prize winners through a lucky draw using the Software System programmed without human intervention. Customers will be randomly determined to win any prizes or not within a maximum of 12 hours (excluding force majeure cases) from the time the customer successfully sends an SMS or enters the Prize Code on the Website as instructed by these regulations.
- Within 12 hours from receiving the prize-winning notification from the website or SMS notification from the number 6089 or PB CAMAU, the customer will have the amount directly credited to their phone account by the network provider.
b, For First Prize and Second Prize:
- The program determines prize winners through a lucky draw using the Software System to randomly select the fortunate winners based on the Prize Codes in each draw. The draws are organized regularly into 16 sessions, as follows:
Drawing session
Lucky drawing date to determine the winners
Successful and Valid Participation Prize Codes (based on the time recorded in the program's Software System)
Prize allocation
First prize: Honda Blade 2023
Second prize: 01 mace of DOJI gold
Phase 1
May 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, May 29th, 2024
Phase 2
June 15th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, June 14th, 2024
Phase 3
June 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, June 29th, 2024
Phase 4
July 15th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, July 14th, 2024
Phase 5
July 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, July 29th, 2024
Phase 6
August 15th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, August 14th, 2024
Phase 7
August 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, August 29th, 2024
Phase 8
September 15th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, September 14th, 2024
Phase 9
October 15th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, October 14th, 2024
Phase 10
October 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, October 29th, 2024
Phase 11
November 15th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, November 14th, 2024
Phase 12
November 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, November 29th, 2024
Phase 13
December 30th, 2024
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, December 29th, 2024
Phase 14
January 15th, 2025
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, January 14th, 2025
Phase 15
February 15th, 2025
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, February 14th, 2025
Phase 16
March 1st, 2025
From 00:00, March 10th, 2024 to 23:59, February 28th, 2025
- All unrewarded Prize Codes from previous sessions will continue to participate in the next draw.
- Each Prize Code can only win a maximum of 01 First Prize or Second Prize from the program.
- Location for determination of prize-winning: Office of Petrovietnam CaMau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company, 171 Truong Van Bang, Thanh My Loi Ward, Thu Duc City.
- The draw will be witnessed by representatives of the Company and representatives of customers participating in the program. The Company will sequentially draw the Second Prizes and then the First Prize. The draw results will be documented in a minutes with the signatures of the participating and witnessing parties.
8.5 Notification of winning:
a, For Lucky Prize 1 and Lucky Prize 2:
- Depending on the participation method in the promotion program, customers will receive a notification of winning or not winning Lucky Prize 1 and Lucky Prize 2 within a maximum of 12 hours (excluding force majeure cases) from the time the customer sends an SMS or successfully enters the Prize Code on the Website as instructed by these regulations, specifically as follows:
- In case of winning Lucky Prize 1: "You have won a 50,000 VND phone card, which will be directly charged to this phone number. Please keep the Prize Code “xxxxxxxxx” to have an opportunity to win a Honda Blade motorcycle and a 01-mace Gold Ring"
- In case of winning Lucky Prize 2: "You have won a 20,000 VND phone card, which will be directly charged to this phone number. Please keep the Prize Code “xxxxxxxxx” to have an opportunity to win a Honda Blade motorcycle and a 01-mace Gold Ring".
- In case of not winning Lucky Prize 1: "Thank you for participating in the program. Please keep the Prize Code “xxxxxxxxx” to have an opportunity to win a HONDA BLADE motorcycle and a 01-mace Gold Ring".
- In case of not winning Lucky Prize 2: "Thank you for participating in the program. Please keep the Prize Code “xxxxxxxxx” to have an opportunity to win a HONDA BLADE motorcycle and a 01-mace Gold Ring".
- Notes:
+ In case customers win Lucky Prize 1 and Lucky Prize 2, within 12 hours from the time of receiving the winning notification on the Website or via SMS notification from the 6089 call center or PB CAMAU, the customers will have the money directly loaded into their phone accounts by the network operator.
+ Customers, please keep the notification image of winning on the Website or SMS notification from the 6089 call center or PB CAMAU as proof in case of complaints about receiving the prize money.
b, For First Prize and Second Prize
- No more than 5 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) from the date of the determined winning draw, representatives of PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will contact customers by calling from the call center 1800 888606 and/or sending SMS from the PB CAMAU call center (to the customer's phone number who sent SMS or entered on the Website to participate in the program) to notify the winning and instruct customers on performing prize-winning precedures.
- Customers can also follow the announced winning results on the Ca Mau Fertilizer fan page https://facebook.com/phanboncamau and the program website https://www.muavangthanglon.pvcfc.com.vn.
- SMS notification of winning the First Prize: " Chuc mung Ma du thuong xxxxxxxxxx da trung thuong 01 XE HONDA BLADE 2023 cho dot quay so ngay dd/mm/yyyy. Vui long giu lai tin nhan Phan Bon Ca Mau se lien he huong dan nhan thuong (Congratulations, Prize Code xxxxxxxxxx has won 01 HONDA BLADE 2023 motorcycle for the draw date dd/mm/yyyy. Please keep the SMS message, Ca Mau Fertilizer will contact you to guide you on receiving the prize)”.
- SMS notification of winning the Second Prize: "Chuc mung Ma du thuong xxxxxxxxxx da trung thuong 01 CHI VANG 9999 cho dot quay so ngay dd/mm/yyyy. Vui long giu lai tin nhan Phan Bon Ca Mau se lien he huong dan nhan thuong (Congratulations, Prize Code xxxxxxxxxx has won 01 GOLD BAR 9999 for the draw date dd/mm/yyyy. Please keep the SMS message, Ca Mau Fertilizer will contact you to guide you on receiving the prize)".
8.6 Time, location, method, and procedure of awarding prizes:
a, For Lucky Prize 1 and Lucky Prize 2.
- When customers win Lucky Prize 1 and Lucky Prize 2, the prize money will be automatically charged to the winning subscriber's account within 12 hours from the time the customer receives the winning notification on the Website or SMS notification from the 6089 call center or PB CAMAU (except for force majeure cases).
- The prize of topping up phone credit worth 20,000 VND, 50,000 VND applies to subscribers of 06 network operators including: Viettel, Mobifone, Vinaphone, Vietnam Mobile, Gtel & Itel.
b, For First Prize and Second Prize:
- No more than 05 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) from the date the customer receives the winning notification on the website or via SMS, representatives of PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will call to confirm with the customer about the winning from the 1800888606 call center and/or send SMS from the PB CAMAU call center to guide customers on the prize receiving procedures, agree on the awarding location according to the phone number that the customer registered to participate in the program..
- Prize awarding location: agricultural supply agents/ stores selling products of PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company where the winning customer has purchased promotional goods or locations agreed upon between PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company and the customer.
- Prize receiving procedures: when receiving the prize, the winning customer must present the following documents:
+ SMS notification from Ca Mau Fertilizer informing the prize winning of the program to the customer's participating phone number.
+ ID card/Citizen identity card of the prize winner.
+ The prize winner is responsible for signing the prize award report upon receiving the prize.
- Prize award closing date: April 13th, 2025.
- Responsibilities of prize-winning customers for incurred expenses when receiving prizes, non-regular income taxes: prize-winning customers are responsible for personal income tax, non-regular income tax, travel expenses to receive prizes.
9. Customer inquiries concerning the promotion program will be addressed at:
10. Responsibility for information disclosure:
11. Other regulations
- With the consent of the prize-winning customers, PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company will use the names and images of the prize-winning customers for commercial advertising purposes.
- For prizes without winners (expired prize awarding period but no one receives or cannot identify the winners), PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company must be responsible for depositing 50% of the announced prize value into the state budget as stipulated in Clause 4, Article 13 of Decree No. 81/2018/ND-CP.
Ca Mau Fertilizer