For the year ended 31 December 2023


Issued under Circular No. 202/2014/TT-BTC
dated 22 December 2014 of the Ministry of Finance

Unit: VND

ITEMS Codes Notes Current year Prior year
1. Gross revenue from goods sold and services rendered 01 27 12,949,489,162,606 16,380,039,770,909
2. Deductions 02 27 378,947,072,778 455,512,896,510
3. Net revenue from goods sold and services rendered (10=01-02) 10 12,570,542,089,828 15,924,526,874,399
4. Cost of sales 11 28 10,538,742,407,968 10,221,097,432,231
5. Gross profit from goods sold and services rendered (20=10-11) 20 2,031,799,681,860 5,703,429,442,168
6. Financial income 21 30 577,088,490,762 301,008,063,317
7. Financial expenses 22 31 27,372,487,527 60,402,056,552
- In which: Interest expense 23 10,155,714,106 10,274,784,277
8. Selling expenses 25 32 800,631,458,171 698,294,873,644
9. General and administration expenses 26 32 548,556,889,165 652,594,258,961
10. Operating profit (30=20+(21-22)-(25+26)) 30 1,232,327,337,759 4,593,146,316,328
11. Other income 31 33 24,751,516,067 15,225,626,021
12. Other expenses 32 33 2,269,270,186 12,059,177,506
13. Profit from other activities (40=31-32) 40 33 22,482,245,881 3,166,448,515
14. Accounting profit before tax (50=30+40) 50 1,254,809,583,640 4,596,312,764,843
15. Current corporate income tax expense 50 34 146,468,525,391 269,999,355,705
16. Deferred corporate tax (income)/expense 52 (1,801,658,643) 5,232,674,603
17. Net profit after corporate income tax (60=50-51-52) 60 1,110,142,716,892 4,321,080,734,535
In which:
17.1 Profit after tax attributable to the Holding Company 61 1,108,892,825,082 4,315,953,289,589
17.2 Profit after tax attributable to non-controlling interests 62 1,249,891,810 5,127,444,946
18 Basic earnings per share 70 35 1,797 7,701
Dam Thi Thuy An
Dinh Nhu Cuong
Chief Accountant
Le Ngoc Minh Tri
Executive Officer

26 February 2024