General information about PVCFC
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Petrovietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company, formerly known as Petrovietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer One-Member Limited Liability Company, is an affiliated unit of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam). It was established under Decision No. 474/QĐ-DKVN dated March 9, 2011, by the Members’ Council of Petrovietnam. In January 2015, the company officially transitioned to the joint-stock company model and was renamed Petrovietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company.
Throughout its operational history, the company’s organizational structure has evolved over different periods. The Petrovietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company has implemented a project to reform and restructure its organizational framework toward a streamlined, multifunctional, and efficient model that aligns with current realities. This restructuring aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of business operations, adapt to the company’s circumstances, and optimize management levels.


The impacts of PVCFC’s production and business activities on environmental and social issues extend beyond the operations within the plant. PVCFC recognizes the environmental and social impacts generated from the production and supply of raw materials, chemicals, and services that support its business activities. Therefore, in the process of selecting and evaluating suppliers, PVCFC does not merely choose based on traditional criteria such as Financial Strength, Production Capacity, and After-Sales Service.
The Board of Directors is committed to ensuring that PVCFC’s supplier evaluation and selection process always considers environmental and social factors to achieve long-term development, aligned with PVCFC’s strategic growth orientation. These factors include the actual and potential impacts of suppliers on the environment and society. The supplier selection process always strives to balance economic, environmental, and social factors (ESG). The Board of Directors has decided to select suppliers that comply with legal requirements regarding environmental and social sustainability (ESG).