Identify Key Stakeholders: PVCFC identifies all stakeholders who can be individuals or organisations who has an interest that is affected or could be affected by the PVCFC’s activities. The stakeholders identified by PVCFC include:
Gather Feedback from Stakeholders: PVCFC interacts with stakeholders through various methods such as surveys, interviews, periodic dialogues with employees; farmer and distributor workshops; and organizing annual or extraordinary shareholder meetings, either in-person or online via website with full contact information, including the headquarters address, representative office, and phone numbers, to collect feedback, concerns, and expectations. Additionally, the company has other applications such as the 2Nong mobile application (or website to provide market information, agricultural input prices, cultivation techniques, fertilizer application guidance, purchasing instructions, and customer care.
Prioritize Stakeholder Concerns: We analyze the input information collected from stakeholders to identify common themes, trends, and priorities. Then, we base our priority assessment on factors such as the importance of the issues, their impact on PVCFC and stakeholders, urgency, and feasibility, to determine the level of priority for stakeholder concerns.
Develop an Action Plan: After identifying priorities, we implement action plans to address the prioritized concerns. This involves clearly outlining specific objectives, strategies, and timelines to tackle stakeholder issues. Additionally, we assign responsibilities to relevant parties and allocate appropriate resources to ensure effective implementation.
Engage and Communicate About Actions: PVCFC transparently and regularly communicates the results of the prioritization process and action plans to stakeholders. This ensures alignment between the prioritized concerns of stakeholders and the organization’s objectives.
Monitor and Evaluate: PVCFC continuously monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement efforts as well as the progress made in addressing stakeholder priorities.